
Jupiter Grant
Jan 26, 2021


Copyright © Rob Lavinsky & irocks.com

I was floating,


and without anchor,

when you found me

and brought me back to earth.

My feet back on the ground,

connection reestablished

to life,


and the essence of my Self.

You, a guy rope to steady me.

A rock to keep me grounded,

like a shining stone of hematite.

Jupiter Grant is a self published author, blogger, narrator and audiobook producer.

Enquiries and comments are always welcome. You can also find me on Twitter @GrantJupiter

Also by Jupiter:



Jupiter Grant

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: jupiterslair@gmail.com. Buy me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/jupitergrant