The Tale of a Writer Who Vanished
A quick limerick and a longer spiel by way of explanation
A writer/ narrator called Grant
would love to be writing, but can’t.
She is plying her trade
getting audios made,
thus her time on this platform’s been scant!
(She’s looking forward to coming back, though!)
Hello, everyone. I just wanted to explain my recent absence from Medium, and to thank those who have been tagging me in to prompts and responses, and contacting me to check I’m okay.
Firstly, an unfortunate turn of events left me short of funds at the end of last month, and I was working hell for leather trying to earn the shortfall on the rent money as quickly as possible. (Lots of hours on the phone lines that week!)
I am also undergoing some medical investigations on a skin lesion that may or may not turn out to be cancerous. The specialist, though, seems very relaxed and confident that whatever it turns out to be, it will be relatively easy to treat. As some of you already know, though, I have been through breast cancer, so any mention of that c-word makes me rather anxious! I’m doing fine, though, and am having a biopsy done later today.